
An app store inspired by the iOS App Store. Browse apps like a pro, with reviews and everything.

Welcome to Pixel Store—the coolest app marketplace this side of the digital universe! Built with ReactJS and Framework7, it’s like having a tech-savvy buddy who knows exactly what apps you need (and throws in some pizzazz for good measure). Ready to dive into app heaven? Let’s go!

🛠️ Behind the Scenes

Tech Goodies

  • ReactJS: Our app’s magic wand 🪄—turns static web pages into interactive awesomeness.
  • Framework7: The fashion designer 🕶️ for our app’s interface, making sure everything looks chic and shiny.
  • Webpack: The ultimate organizer 📦—bundles all our files so we don’t have to hunt them down one by one.
  • Babel: Our translator 🗣️—turns cutting-edge JavaScript into something every browser can understand. It’s like speaking every language at once!

How It Works

  • Data Storage: Our app data is neatly tucked away in JSON files in the data folder. It’s like having a perfectly organized closet. We could fetch real-time data from the App Store or Play Store, but that’s a whole can of worms 🐍 we’d rather avoid. Instead, we’ve gone with hard-coded data for simplicity. But if you’re up for the challenge, you can dive into scraping tools or APIs!

  • Tabs and Pages: Our app is like a well-stocked buffet 🍽️ with tabs for Today, Apps, Games, Arcade, and Search. The Today tab is like that old reliable sweater—always there but not the newest. For a live update feast, grab an API key and dig into real-time data!

  • Components: Made with reusable components, like Lego blocks 🧩—snap them together to build something amazing. Each one has a specific job, from showcasing featured apps to displaying ratings.

  • Styling: Our CSS is like the cherry 🍒 on top of a sundae—ensuring our app looks as good as it functions. We’ve dressed up our app in the finest styles to make sure it dazzles!

🚀 Getting Started

Install It Locally

  1. Clone the Repo:

    git clone
  2. Get Into the Directory:

    cd thepixelstore
  3. Install Dependencies: To keep things running smoothly without overloading on dependencies, run:

    npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server
  4. Start the Party: Launch the app locally with:

    npm start


    npm run start
  5. Build It: For the polished version (production-ready):

    npm run build-prod

    For a developer build (while you’re still tinkering):

    npm run build-dev

🧑‍💻 Contribute Your Genius

Feeling inspired? Here’s how to sprinkle your magic into Pixel Store:

  1. Fork It: Head over to Pixel Store on GitHub and click “Fork” like a boss. It’s your chance to make your mark!

  2. Make Your Magic: Clone your fork, make your changes, and test them out. Go wild, but keep it fun!

  3. Pull Request Party: Submit a pull request to share your improvements with the world. We’ll review and merge it if it’s a fit.

  4. Celebrate: Watch your contributions light up in the main project. 🎉 You might even get a shoutout for your awesomeness!

📜 License

This project is under the MIT License—feel free to use, modify, or just admire from afar. It’s like a public playground for your coding creativity!

🔗 Live Demo

Curious to see it in action? Check out the live demo: PixelPulse Store V6. It’s like peeking into a candy store before you buy!

Thanks for checking out Pixel Store. We hope you have as much fun using it as we did making it! 🚀🎉